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Fumigation is the most effective way to eliminate dry-wood termite infestations attacking your property. Since the whole structure is covered, the fumigant gas is able to penetrate all walls and inaccessible areas that are not able to be seen during a standard inspection. Bugmasters uses fumigants with the active ingredient sulfuryl fluoride; a colorless, odorless gas that has been researched in universities for over 50 years. The gas is non-staining, noncorrosive, and nonflammable. Once the tenet is removed the gas will quickly dissipate from the structure into the atmosphere and does not damage the ozone layer.
The Fumigation Process
Install Fumigation tarps and fans. Seal the structure to prevent any unwanted leaks.
Release fumigant gas into the structure.
Fumigation crew will return to the property to start the ventilation process.
During ventilation the tent will remain on the property.
Fumigation crew will return to remove the tarps, test the air, and certify the structure is ready for re-entry.
After the fumigation is complete the crew will leave a certificate of completion on your front door. You need to keep and provide this certificate to the Gas Company or they will not turn your gas lines back on.
Does whole-structure fumigation kill other pests in my home such as spiders, rodents, ants?Bugmasters calculates the fumigant dosage we use based on the target pest we are eliminating which is drywood termites. While our fumigation may kill unwanted pests, it is only guaranteed for dry-wood termites. In many cases after a fumigation it is acceptable to notice an increase in ant activity. Ants are termite's natural enemies and the smell of their dead corpses cause ants to become heavily active for a few days.
Will there be any live termites in my home after whole-structure fumigation?If you see a few live termites immediately after you home has been fumigated, don't be alarmed. Sometimes it take three to five days for all of the termites to die. Rest assured-whole structure fumigation with sulfuryl-fluoride gas fumigant will eliminate all of the dry-wood termites in the home.
Does Fumigation negatively affect the ozone layer?No. Sulfuryl fluoride, the active ingredient in gas fumigants, is not an ozone-depleting chemical. Our fumigants contain no chlorine or bromine and, thus does not deplete stratospheric ozone by the known mechanisms. When a structure is aerated, the fumigant gas rapidly dissipates to non-detectable levels.
Does a water softening system have to be removed or cleaned out during and after the fumigation.The water softening system does not have to be removed or cleaned out during or after the fumigation.
Will plants die under the fumigation tent?Plants will not necessarily die under the tent but we can not guarantee their survival. We recommend you water them well the night before or completely remove the plants from the property.
Why is a roof release necessary?When performing fumigations it is necessary to walk and or work on roofs of structures. This obviously creates situations where damage to delicate or old roofs can be unavoidable. We do not wish to unnecessarily damage anyone's floor and use our best care to ensure minimal damage if any.
What do you do to prevent gas pocketing?We use fans to circulate the air and open all drawers, cupboards, and interior doors during the fumigation.
Is there a need to wash items following a fumigation?The gas we use leaves no residue, so washing items is not necessary.